Oksana Plotnikova

Self-Development for Parents of Children with Disabilities


Experts aren’t born—they are made through continuous learning, practice, and tireless work on themselves. This is especially true for parents of children with disabilities, who find themselves in situations where they need to become experts in multiple fields in a very short time.  

Upon first learning about their child’s special needs, parents often feel confused and scared. They now have to simultaneously deal with medical, psychological, educational, legal, and social aspects—areas they may have never thought about before and weren’t prepared for. But over time, step by step, they acquire new knowledge and skills, transforming into true specialists.  

Every day brings new challenges and opportunities for self-development. Parents attend webinars and training sessions, read specialized literature, browse internet resources, and communicate with other families and professionals. They learn not only from experts but also from their own children, who reveal new aspects of their personality every day.  

Gradually, what once seemed like an impossible task becomes a normal part of life. Parents begin to navigate medical terminology and equipment easily, communicate confidently with doctors and government officials, and find creative solutions for adapting the environment to their child’s needs. Furthermore, many do not stop at just becoming experts. They become advocates for the rights of not only their child but also other children with disabilities, creating NGOs, support groups, and chats, developing new rehabilitation methods, and even opening their own private rehabilitation centers. Their experience and knowledge become invaluable resources for other families just beginning their journey in new life circumstances.  

The path from confusion to expertise is a story of continuous self-development, perseverance, and love. This confirms once again that true experts are not born—they are made, especially when it comes to the most important role in life: the role of a parent.  

So why is it no longer enough to stay inside one’s shell, and what specific benefits does self-development bring to all areas of life for parents of children with disabilities? Several key aspects can be highlighted:  
1. Acquiring new knowledge about your child’s condition and care methods, studying modern approaches to rehabilitation and development techniques, and mastering new technologies and medical devices allows parents to significantly improve their child’s quality of life, stay up-to-date with global trends, and understand key treatment approaches.  
2. Developing stress management skills, learning emotional self-regulation techniques, and improving psychological literacy helps foster emotional resilience and the ability to handle various situations, preparing for unexpected events.  
3. Maintaining and developing professional skills, mastering new areas for career growth and financial independence, enables parents to grow professionally and remain competitive in today’s job market.  
4. Expanding one’s worldview, boosting self-esteem and confidence, enhancing creativity, and improving communication skills while building social connections significantly contributes to the development of leadership qualities, social adaptation, and staying engaged in societal life.  
5. Learning the basics of a healthy lifestyle, acquiring new physical activity techniques, and understanding self-care and proper nutrition helps parents maintain and even improve their physical health. This should be one of the main priorities for parents of children with disabilities, as their well-being directly affects their child’s health.  
6. Learning financial planning basics and mastering family budget management skills allows parents to improve financial literacy and find additional sources of income.  
7. Understanding the social support system for families of children with disabilities, learning how to advocate for their child’s rights, and gaining a basic knowledge of the laws concerning the rights of children with disabilities will give parents a sense of legal awareness and confidence when interacting with government institutions, doctors, and teachers.  
8. Developing a holistic worldview, searching for life’s meaning and inner harmony, and cultivating empathy and compassion contribute to significant spiritual development, personal growth, and expanding the boundaries of one’s inner self.  

Here are the top Top 5 YouTube Channels for Mothers of Children with Disabilities Seeking Work:

1. Work It Daily
This channel offers career advice, job search tips, resume building, and interview techniques. It is ideal for mothers looking to re-enter the workforce or start a new career. It also includes content about balancing work and personal life, which can be particularly helpful for parents.

2. The Financial Diet
This channel focuses on financial advice, personal finance, and career development. It covers topics like budgeting, managing money, and finding a side hustle, which can be useful for mothers seeking financial independence or flexible work opportunities.

3. Learn with Fiverr
For mothers interested in freelancing, this channel offers tutorials and advice on how to start a freelance career on platforms like Fiverr. It covers everything from setting up a profile to attracting clients, perfect for those seeking flexible, remote work options.

4. The Future  
This channel provides insights into the creative industry, including freelance design, copywriting, and marketing. It offers practical advice for creative professionals on how to build a career in digital media, design, and branding, with a strong focus on freelancing.

5. LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning’s YouTube channel offers snippets from their full online courses. The content covers a wide range of professional skills such as digital marketing, project management, and remote work strategies, all of which are useful for mothers looking to improve their employability.

Lastly, we would like to point out that self-development not only helps parents of children with disabilities better cope with their responsibilities, but also allows them to maintain their identity, find new sources of strength and inspiration. It is an important tool for maintaining the quality of life for the entire family and creating favorable conditions for the development of a child with special needs.

This publication was prepared with the financial support of the German Marshall Fund of the United States. Its content is the sole responsibility of the NGO “Epiprosvita” and does not reflect the position of the German Marshall Fund.

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