Niia Nikelo

Medical cannabis is legal now


Medical cannabis (oils, extracts, and THC) is no longer a prohibited substance in Ukraine (note: the plant itself remains illegal).

Starting today, producers and importers can begin the process of introducing medical cannabis to the Ukrainian market, specifically by registering the API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient)—the substance from which medications will be produced in pharmacies. This registration process will take 30 days.

Can patients already obtain these medications in pharmacies?

Not yet. First, Ukraine needs to establish a tracking and control system under the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control. This system will log all data related to the cultivation, circulation (from seed to patient), and use of medical cannabis. According to the Ministry of Health, this system is expected to be operational by fall. Therefore, it is likely that the first medications could be available later this year. Family doctors and specialists will be able to prescribe them via electronic prescription.

Important: Patients will only be allowed to carry and transport the amount of medical cannabis specified in their electronic prescription. This is how the system works in the EU.

Which patients will be able to receive these medications?

A list of conditions is expected to be approved, based on which doctors can issue electronic prescriptions to patients. However, this list has already been developed and currently includes:

1. Chronic or neuropathic pain

2. Nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy

3. Parkinson's disease

4. Tourette syndrome

5. Drug-resistant epilepsy

6. Conditions causing seizures in children (Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, Dravet syndrome, tuberous sclerosis)

7. Weight loss associated with anorexia in patients with HIV-related illnesses

8. Other conditions, including PTSD, provided there is a conclusion from the medical-consultative commission in healthcare institutions that have a scientific base. There are over 600 such institutions in Ukraine.

What forms of medication are expected to be available?

- Liquid oral medications
- Solid capsules
- Dental pastes

The official list has not yet been approved but is expected by the end of August.

What requirements must producers and pharmacies meet?

The law mandates strict control at all stages of production. Only legal entities that obtain the appropriate license will be allowed to grow cannabis, with certified production adhering to GMP standards, under 24/7 video surveillance accessible to the National Police. Each plant will have individual coding to track its movement from the grower to pharmacies and patients.

Pharmacies that manufacture these medications will need two licenses—one for manufacturing and one for the circulation of narcotic substances.


*Comment provided by Iryna Rachynska, "Patients of Ukraine" Charitable Foundation.*

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