
Legalization of Medical Cannabis in Ukraine


Cannabis, as a plant, consists of two groups of compounds: CBD and THC. CBD has non-narcotic, calming effects, while THC produces narcotic effects. Medical cannabis is produced by reducing the percentage of THC (to 10% or less) and purifying everything else to CBD.

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"Cannabis, as a plant, consists of two groups of compounds: CBD and THC. CBD has non-narcotic, calming effects, while THC produces narcotic effects. Medical cannabis is produced by reducing the percentage of THC (to 10% or less) and purifying everything else to CBD.

Why is THC needed in medical cannabis?
It is needed for the absorption of CBD. Think of it as certain vitamins that are not absorbed without fats.

What effect does 10% THC have?
In countries where such a level of THC in medical cannabis is allowed, there are no restrictions on its use by drivers. In other words, its influence is considered not to interfere with driving.

Is there addiction?
Medical cannabis accumulates in the body, so it does not cause withdrawal syndrome and the so-called "crash" that other drugs, such as phenobarbital or Depakine in the case of epilepsy, can cause.

What illnesses does medical cannabis help with?
Pharmaceutically-resistant epilepsy, pain syndromes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, cerebral palsy, PTSD, sleep and eating disorders, endometriosis, glaucoma, AIDS, Crohn's disease. Here you can read an official article from Harvard Medical School.

What does the NGO "EpiProsvita" have to do with it?
The NGO "EpiProsvita" started advocating for the legalization of medical cannabis in Ukraine over 3 years ago. Together with 50 other NGOs, we organized 6 rallies in front of the Cabinet of Ministers and the Verkhovna Rada, drafted several bills, but unfortunately, they failed to pass in the votes. Despite the ongoing war, the fight continues, and even now we are raising the issue of accessibility to modern and safe medicines for Ukrainians."

This explanation provides information about the composition of cannabis, the role of CBD and THC, the reasons for including THC in medical cannabis, its effects, and the NGO's efforts to advocate for its legalization in Ukraine.