Multilingual information for people from Ukraine
Hotlines: Help and legal questions
- BBU-Hotline: +43 1 2676 870 9460
- Ukrainian and Russian: available 24/7
- German: availbale from 8am-6:30pm
- Für rechtliche Fragen und Hilfe
- Diakonie legal help hotline („Rechtshilfe-Telefon“): +43 1 343 0 383
- Languages: Ukrainian, Russian
- Availability: Monday-Friday, 9am-12pm
- Information on issues around residence permits
- Caritas Ukraine-Infohotline: +43 5 17 76 380
- Languages: German and English
- Availability: Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm
- Information on issues around residence permits, donations, volunteering, accommodation
- ÖIF Ukraine-Infohotline: +43 1 715 10 51-120 (Whatsapp), +43 676 84 39 60 108 (Viber)
- Availability: Monday-Friday, 9am-6pm
- Information on care, orientation, accommodation, work
Basic Welfare Support
- Information on the BBU-website
- Information on the application for basic welfare support (BBU-website): German and English
- Ministry of the Interior: information in German, Ukrainian, Russian
- Ministry of the Interior: FAQ in Ukrainian
- For people in Vienna:
- Website of the City of Vienna in German und Ukrainian
- Information on the website of Fond Soziales Wien in Ukrainian
- Information on the BBU-website
- Information on the ÖIF-website: Ukrainian
- Information on the webiste of the Ministry of the Interior in German, Ukrainian, Russian
- Hotline and information of the NGO Diakonie (Vienna)
- Information on the AMS-website (Public Employment Service Austria)
- Information on the website of Arbeiterkammer Wien (Chamber of Labour)
- Info-Leaflets on the AMS-website (Public Employment Service Austria)
- Information on the ÖIF-website: Ukrainian
- Information on the BBU-website
- Information on the ÖIF-website: Ukrainian
- „Educational Paths in Austria“, Information on the webiste of the Minstry of Education, Science and Research: German, English, Ukrainian
- FAQs (German) on the website of the Minstry of Education, Science and Research
- Information on the website of the Minstry of Education, Science and Research in German and English
- Information on the OeAD-website in German und English
Medical and psychological help
Medical help
Psychological help
- AMIKE telephone of the NGO Diakonie for psychosocial support
- Tel: +43 1/343 01014, Whatsapp: +43 664 966 51 09
- NGOs in Austria
- NIPE-network
- Vienna:
- Psychosoziale Dienste Wien
- Hemayat
- Project „NEDA Ukraine“, information in Ukrainian, Russian
- Steiermark: NGO Zebra
Help for women, help for men
- Information leaflet of NGO LEFÖ about dangers of exploitation and trafficking for displaced persons (English, Ukrainian)
Help for women
- Women helpline: 0800 222 555
- Availability: Monday-Sunday, 24/7
- Languages: Please ask for help in Ukrainian or Russian
- Helpchat for women:
- Availability: Monday-Sunday, 4pm-10pm
- Languages: Ukrainian, Russian
- Interventionsstelle gegen Gewalt (Domestic Abuse Intervention Center): Flyer in German, English, Ukrainian, Russian
Help for men
- Männerinfo Counselling for men: 0800 400 777
- Availability: Monday-Sunday, 24/7
- Languages: Interpretation service possible as needed
- Project „NEDA Ukraine“ – MEN Männergesundheitszentrum: Info-Flyer in Ukrainian, Russian
- Männerberatung – Counselling for Men: Info-Flyer in Russian
Information provided by Provinces (“Bundesländer”)
- Wien – Vienna
- Niederösterreich – Lower Austria (in German)
- Oberösterreich– Upper Austria (in German)
- Burgenland (in German), Ukrainian-Hotline: 057-600 1041
- Tirol – Tyrol
- Steiermark – Styria (in German)
- Salzburg: Ukrainian
- Vorarlberg: Ukrainian, Russian
- Kärnten – Carinthia (in German)
- Website of the NGO asylkoordination
Legal Counselling
For questions on your stay in Austria, the asylum procedure or other legal issues, please contact one of the legal counselling organizations in Austria:
- Vienna (Wien): Caritas Wien, Asyl in Not , Diakonie – Unabhängige Beratung Wien
- Lower Austria (Niederösterreich): Caritas St. Pölten – Flüchtlingsberatung (link only in German), Diakonie- Unabhängige Beratung Traiskirchen
- Upper Austria (Oberösterreich): Caritas Oberösterreich (link only in German)
- Burgenland: Diakonie Mobile Flüchtlingsberatung Oberwart, SOS Mitmensch Burgenland (links only in German)
- Styria (Steiermark): Caritas Steiermark (link only in German), Zebra
- Carinthia (Kärnten): Diakonie – Unabhängige Beratung Kärnten
- Salzburg: Diakonie – Unabhängige Beratung Salzburg
- Tyrol (Tirol): FLUCHTpunkt Innsbruck, Diakonie – Unabhängige Beratung Tirol
- Vorarlberg: Caritas Vorarlberg, Vindex (links only in German)